Phone | Tablet | UX Design | Visual Design | Motion Design
Altran has held the prestigious position of being the global frontrunner in engineering and R&D (ER&D) services. The company provides its clients with a distinct value proposition, tailored to address the imperatives of change and innovation. The request for proposals pertains to the establishment of an ecosystem that showcases various professions and technologies. The core advantages of this concept lie in the mechanisms that continuously refresh the content hub. Additionally, I have overseen the production of the client presentation video.
Project Summary
“What do you want to change ?”
Amongst a multitude of Altran services,
Change is the only real common denominator.
Change is the transversal added-value by which Altran measures its success. Change is daring and fearless.
Change differentiates the key players of tomorrow.

Project Details
Client Name
Altran, INSIGN
Project duration
2 Weeks Pitch
Photoshop, After Effect, Premiere, Sketch app

Visual Design



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